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     ” In Jersey City, Residents Enjoying Jazz Music, Organic Farmer’s Market, Most Of All Enjoying Each Other.”

May 13, 2021 By: Leonard Madison & Art Fletcher, Reporting For: Englebrook  Independent News, Photos By Morell Morand, Englebrook Media Group.

     Yesterday, residents in New Jerseys second largest city, Jersey City enjoyed a warm and sunny afternoon, in Hamilton Park 

     While parents shopped at Wednesdays organic farmer’s market, their children played together with friends, throughout the park. Others enjoyed the sounds of jazz, performed by local musicians. Cheers could be heard, as local teenagers played basketball on a corner court. 

     Entering the park we were greeted by members of the Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association, welcoming us, as if we were part of their neighborhood, they invited us to stay.

     As we were given a tour of the farmer’s market, I noticed Fathers teaching their children how to play tennis. To the right of the market, even dogs played together, in a well manicured dog park, as their owners talked and laughed amongst each other.

     Walking along the streets surrounding the park, Mothers walked with kids, along sidewalks in front of impeccably kept Brownstone homes. Young couples dined in outdoor cafes in the front of corner restaurants. As we headed back to the park, we stopped for a bite to eat at a corner pizzeria. Dining at a table outside we noticed there was no litter anywhere to be seen.

     Continuing back to the park, we were captivated by the detail and care residents took in their homes. Each home was perfectly painted to perfection in character.

     Arriving back, people had gathered and sat around the gazebo, which was located in the center of the park. Within a few minutes, Police Department Officials along with a City Councilwoman arrived to meet and  address concerns of neighborhood residents. 

     The Captain and Officers from the East District of The Jersey City Police Department, shared crime statistics and data with residents. 

     The platform was then given to residents, so they may voice their concerns with issues in the neighborhood. Police Official answered resident’s questions ranging from parking concerns, to loud cars. We were moved by the concern and detail that Police Officials took in answering each question.

     While Officials were answering questions, we had an opportunity to speak with a Sargent from the Police Chief’s office. He told us about the City and The Police Department’s commitment in bringing Police and residents together in every neighborhood, throughout the City. ” Community oriented policing is a very important part of a neighborhood,” he stated. 

     Today, with certain issues that have unfolded around the nation, we found a city where people come together as friends and neighbors, in sharing the common good for each other, and living together in harmony as one. 

     Although, Jersey City may have had problems decades ago, Jersey City today is now a City of unity, residents together and along with police have made Jersey City, 2021 ” The Place To Live & Raise A Family.”

     We were honored to be given the opportunity to spend an afternoon with the many residents of the Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association and the many Officers from the East District of The Jersey City Police Department. Cities and communities around our nation should  use Jersey City as a model where everyone can live together as one. 

Art Fletcher
Art Fletcher
Founder & Executive Editor

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