Saturday, October 5, 2024

Biden Announces Another 6.1 Billion Student Loan Forgiveness

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On Wednesday, The Biden Administration Is Continuing Its Student Loan Forgiveness Ahead Of The 2024 Election

Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 11:00 A.M. ET. By Jennifer Hodges: Englebrook Independent News,

WASHINGTON, DC.- “Today, my Administration is approving $6.1 billion in student debt cancellation for 317,000 who attend the Arts Institutes,” President Biden announced on Wednesday. In his release, the President and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona described the Arts Institutes as “Predatory” and said the new handouts would help students who were victims of their actions.

     As the majority of U.S. households continue to struggle with the continuing and growing increases in food, gasoline, rent, and energy costs. With an ever-increasing national deficit, with debt service cost approaching $1 trillion in the next year or two and a declining Gross Domestic Product Growth, The Biden Administration will now subject most Americans to pay for his Vote Buying Scheme, ahead of the 2024 General Election.

Biden’s newest round of $160 billion handouts

     Biden’s newest round of handouts will increase the total number of student loans forgiven to $160 billion, impacting nearly 4.6 million borrowers.

     “Over the last three years, my Administration has approved nearly $29 billion in debt relief for 1.6 million borrowers whose colleges took advantage of them, closed abruptly, or were covered by related court settlements, compared to just another to just 53,000 borrowers who had ever gotten their debt canceled through these types of actions before I took office,” Biden said this morning.

     “Today’s announcement builds on all we’ve done to fix broken student loan programs and bring higher education more in reach. That includes; providing the largest increases to the maximum Pell Grant in over a decade, fixing Public Service Loan Forgiveness, and income Driven Repayment so borrowers get the relief they are entitled to under the law, launching the SAVE Plan, the most affordable repayment plan ever, and pursuing new plans that would cancel student debt for more than 30 million Americans when combined with everything we’ve done so far,” Biden continued.

Biden vows to not stop handing out money

     Biden once again vowed not to stop handing out money to borrowers and make college more affordable to more students. “We will never stop fighting to deliver relief to borrowers, hold bad actors accountable, and bring the promise of college to more Americans.”

     In Today’s announcement, Secretary Cardona said the Biden administration was working with numerous states to pursue legal action against greedy schools.

     “For more than a decade, hundreds of thousands of hopeful students borrowed billions to attend The Arts Institutes and got little but lies in return. That ends today, thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration’s work with attorneys general offices in Iowa, Massachusettes, and Pennsylvania,” Secretary Cardona said. “We must continue to protect borrowers from predatory institutions and work toward a higher education system that is affordable to students and taxpayers.”

     This all comes as students at colleges and universities across the United States have built encampments, taken over campus buildings, and as of overnight rioted at UCLA’s Westwood Campus, as anti-Israel hate grows each and every day, in protest to the Hamas-Israeli War, when on October 7, Hamas Militants invaded southern Israel slaughtering 1200 Israeli Citizens, including women, infants, and the elderly.

Administration should be revoking the student visas of foreign-born nationals

     Instead of forgiving student loan debt, the Biden Administration should be revoking the student visas of the vast number of foreign-born nationals attending our Private and Public Higher Learning Institutions Nationwide, including the 2000 or so at Columbia University alone, that are actively protesting.

     Secretary Cardona touts that Biden’s new student loan bailout will protect students from “predatory” schools and bad actors, that leave students with nothing more than a lie, Cardona can’t even protect Jewish Students on Campuses across America.

Jennifer Hodges
Jennifer Hodges
Jennifer Hodges is a Chief Investigative Reporter & Editor for Englebrook Media Group

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